Saturday, November 10, 2007

Falling Off the Platform

What happens when God's people try to carry and sustain a movement of God from a platform?

When the people of God were attempting to transport the ark of God on a platform, Uzzah reached out his hand to touch the Ark and sinned. Uzzah's sin was not just his own sin though, but the sin of the whole people of God who had failed in their priestly role to carry the Ark of God's presence upon their own shoulders. Uzzah was set up for failure when God's people put the ark on a platform instead of their own shoulders.

So we too, when our public ministers fall, we too share the responsibility. It is inevitable that things on platforms fall. The ground we walk on isn't smooth. But God never intended to have His presence carried by our machinery, but to rest upon us; not things we've built and constructed, but to rest upon our shoulders. God does not intend to dwell upon a stage while we observe, but to dwell in our midst while we walk with Him together, holding fast to Him, lifting Him up, and humbling ourselves under the weight of His glory.

To meerly nod our head in agreement will not change anything. It's time to take up the reality of the priesthood of all believers and corporately lift up Christ alone and head for the New Jerusalem.

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