Monday, November 17, 2008

"They in Us that the world may believe"

I used to read Jesus' words "They in Us that the world might believe that you sent me" and hang my head in shame over the mess we've made of the church. A different denominational building on every corner is not what Jesus died for or what will cause the world to see the reality of the Lord Jesus. I can't count the number of times that the multitude of denominations has been brought up as an objection to the gospel when I'm talking to unbelievers. While I'm not completely immune from feeling disturbed about the man-made mess "churchianity" has become, I have found some real hope and joy lately in Jesus' words, "they in Us...".

Isn't it encouraging to believe that the Lord honestly intends to bring us into such an experience of Divine fellowship while we're on the earth that people would begin to believe that "Jesus really does bring people to God"? The Lord intends for us to be living in such a real experience of the reality of God that unbelievers would become convinced that God is real... not by our efforts or programs... but by our living IN GOD.

What is it to live in God? It's what Jesus was doing before the incarnation as the eternal Son of God. He was living inside His Father by the Holy Spirit. It's what Jesus did in His inner man while living on the earth. He said, "Do you not know that I dwell in my Father, and He in Me?" His body was on the earth, but His inner man was dwelling in the presence of His Father. And that is what He's dying to create inside of us... a spirit to spirit experience of fellowship with God.

And this fellowship is a corporate thing. "THEY in us". He's bringing us into fellowship with God together. We need one another to experience the fullness of God. My experience as a believer bears this out. I can honestly say that every step towards a more authentic experience of Christ has required or resulted in a more authentic experience of His body. I can't count the number of times I've gone to the Lord in prayer and He's changed a bad attitude I had towards another person, or felt prompted to encourage someone, or reminded of an opportunity to serve, etc. Just maintaining my personal fellowship with Christ in a living way has been the path that has brought me into deeper experience of body life. As the head directs and coordinates the body, so Christ coordinates us with one another.

Although I'm still not crazy about denominational fragmentation and greedy televangelists, I'm encouraged to pursue a greater experience of "They in US" by continuing the pursuit of Christ with others. We share One Lord, One Spirit, One Faith, One God and Father and are baptized into One Name. A bunch of people living together in the experience of this reality is what the Lord wants the world to see. It's what the Lord died for and what He lives for... inside of you and me.

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